What is salmon DNA and what does it do?

Salmon DNA, when referred to in a skincare or medical aesthetic context, usually refers to a product called PDR (Polydeoxyribonucleotide). PDR is derived from salmon sperm or roe, and it is known for its wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Somon Dna is used as a skin rejuvenation treatment and is believed to stimulate the metabolic activity of cells in the skin called fibroblasts. These cells are responsible for producing collagen, a protein that gives our skin its firmness and elasticity. By promoting collagen production, PDRN treatments can help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and improve skin texture and elasticity.

The salmon dna in PDR is similar to human DNA, which is why it’s believed to be safe and effective for use in humans. It can be administered through a series of small injections under the skin, often as part of a treatment known as ‘skin boosters’ or ‘rejuran healers’, particularly popular in parts of Asia.

How is salmon DNA applied?

Salmon DNA, or PDRN (Polydeoxyribonucleotide), is typically applied through a procedure called microneedling or via direct injection, depending on the exact treatment protocol of the practitioner. The general steps include:

Consultation: First, you will have a consultation with a healthcare provider to discuss your skincare concerns and goals. They will assess your skin and determine whether you’re a good candidate for the treatment.

Cleaning and Numbing: The area to be treated will be cleaned thoroughly. After that, a topical anesthetic may be applied to numb the skin and make the procedure more comfortable.


In the case of microneedling, a tool with tiny needles is used to create micro-injuries in the skin. The PDRN solution is then applied to the skin, and the micro-injuries allow it to penetrate deeper into the dermis.

If PDRN is injected directly, it’s usually done using a very fine needle or a series of tiny injections known as ‘microinjections’. These injections can target specific areas of concern, delivering the PDRN into the dermis, the layer of skin where it can have the most impact.

Post-Treatment Care: After the treatment, the healthcare provider will typically apply a soothing cream or lotion to the skin. You might experience some redness, swelling, or bruising after the treatment, but these side effects usually subside within a few days.

Follow-up Sessions: Multiple sessions are usually required to achieve the best results. These sessions are typically spaced several weeks apart to allow the skin to heal and regenerate between treatments.

How to apply salmon DNA at home?

Performing these procedures at home is not recommended. They require medical knowledge and sterile equipment to be done safely. Improper technique could result in infection, scarring, or other adverse effects. Furthermore, products available to consumers may not be of the same quality or concentration as the products used by professionals, so the effectiveness could be significantly different.

If you’re interested in the potential skin benefits of salmon DNA, I would strongly advise you to schedule a consultation with a dermatologist, plastic surgeon, or a medical aesthetician. They can provide accurate information based on your skin type and goals and ensure that any procedures are performed safely and effectively.

For at-home skincare, it’s better to stick to products and routines that are designed for consumer use, such as high-quality moisturizers, serums, and sunscreens. You should always consult with a dermatologist or other skincare professional if you’re unsure about what products are right for your skin or if you’re considering incorporating a new product into your routine.

What Are the Side Effects of Salmon DNA?

Treatments using salmon DNA or PDRN (Polydeoxyribonucleotide) are generally considered safe, but as with any procedure, there can be potential side effects. These can include:

Injection site reactions: These can include redness, swelling, bruising, or tenderness at the injection site. These are typically temporary and subside within a few days.

Allergic reactions: While rare, it’s possible for an individual to have an allergic reaction to the treatment. This could cause symptoms like itching, rash, or hives.

Infection: As with any procedure that involves injections or breaking the skin, there’s a small risk of infection if proper sterilization techniques are not followed.

Changes in skin texture or color: Although very rare, there could be changes in skin texture or color after treatment.

As mentioned before, these treatments should be performed by a trained healthcare professional to minimize the risk of side effects and complications. If you’re considering a PDRN treatment, it’s important to discuss the potential risks and benefits with your healthcare provider beforehand.

Also, if you have a known allergy to fish or seafood, you should notify your doctor, as this could potentially increase your risk of an allergic reaction to treatments with salmon DNA.

What are the Salmon DNA Benefits?

Salmon DNA, or Polydeoxyribonucleotide (PDRN), has been used in aesthetic treatments for its potential skin rejuvenation benefits. Here are some of the benefits associated with it:

Skin Rejuvenation: PDRN stimulates cell growth and regeneration, which can help improve the overall appearance and texture of the skin.

Collagen Stimulation: PDRN is believed to stimulate fibroblasts, cells that play a crucial role in the production of collagen. Increased collagen production can result in improved skin elasticity and reduced appearance of wrinkles.

Wound Healing: PDRN has anti-inflammatory properties and promotes wound healing, which can be beneficial for acne scars or after a skin procedure.

Hydration: Some users report improved skin hydration following PDRN treatments.

Improved Skin Tone: PDRN treatments can help to improve skin tone and reduce pigmentation issues, leading to a more even and vibrant skin appearance.

Reduced Pore Size: As a result of improved skin health and increased collagen, some people notice a reduction in the size of their skin pores.

Salmon DNA Prices 2024

The cost of salmon DNA (PDRN) treatments can vary widely based on a variety of factors such as the country and city you are in, the specific clinic you choose, the expertise and reputation of the provider, and the extent of the treatment area.

Most individuals require multiple sessions to achieve optimal results, so the total cost of treatment will be a multiplication of the per-session cost.

Remember, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider or a clinic for an accurate quote based on your specific skin condition and treatment goals. And while price is an important consideration, it’s crucial not to sacrifice safety, efficacy, and the quality of the treatment to save money.

Always ensure treatments are performed by qualified and experienced professionals in a hygienic, well-regulated environment.Finally, remember that any new treatment should be approached with care and consideration, and always make sure to get the most updated information from your healthcare provider.